Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Crystal blessings! Happy Leo new moon, and happy belated Lugnasadh - unfortunately, I wasn't doing too much celebrating yesterday, as I've been dealing with some pretty intense health issues. But, I fully plan to compensate by extending my Lughnasadh festivities throughout the whole week. After all, this is the sabbat that reminds us to enjoy warm sunshine, summer clothes, and extended daylight while we can, as fall is quickly approaching. In a few short weeks, classes start, days become shorter, and the temperature will drop, causing us to retreat back into our homes for another long, meditative winter.

But anyway - a little astrological update. Phew, are there some BIG changes ahead! We have no fewer than THREE eclipses all occurring before mid September - that's A LOT of energy! As I always say, this energy isn't necessarily negative, so don't run to the corner and assume fetal position. However, eclipse energy can be quite transformative, and with THREE of them on the horizon, you can definitely expect some pretty intense transformation to occur in some sect of your life (if it hasn't already - I know many people who have already had a life-altering event shake up their world, and are in the midst of intense personal transition. Many people experience the effects early.) But anyways, I digress - there are a few pretty exciting planetary things happening on this very day, too. We get to celebrate Lughnasadh in the midst of a Leo New Moon, which is a really fun, playful, festive lunation, so this is really quite fitting. Leo moons are flirty and fun, and this is a time to be outgoing and socialize (even if you're typically more introverted, like me), meet new people, dare to ask for things you wouldn't normally, and be generous - even extravagant.  Because this is the new moon, this is a really good day to set your intentions - what do you want to accomplish this lunation? The energy of the Leo moon can especially help with matters involving love, courage, generosity, self-expression, creativity, performing, and taking the spotlight. But of course, New moon energy is excellent to set any intention you may have.

We also have dynamic Mars entering daring Sagittarius today, where he will reside until the end of September. Mars is the planet of action and willpower - he can sometimes get us into trouble, but Mars in Sagittarius energy is really conducive to getting things done and making BIG changes and taking BIG chances. Again, you will want to be careful not to be too impulsive, but be sure to harness this energy to initiate needed change in your life - don't shy away from it. If you don't like something about your life, the time to act is now.

Alright, now - where were we? Oh, that's right - this is supposed to be a blog about crystals, isn't it?

Sorry - but with all these exciting astrological occurrences, I was bound to get distracted.

So...you want to know about crystals for protecting against electromagnetic smog.

First of all, what exactly is "electromagnetic smog"? This scary-sounding term refers to the theory and possibility that the electromagnetic fields of various technologies (cell phones, televisions, microwaves, all of it) have adverse health effects on people. Now, scientific studies have been conducted to determine the truth behind these claims, but little evidence has been found to strongly suggest that "electromagnetic smog" plays a role in causing certain diseases. That being said, I have no doubt that technology emits a kind of negative energy that can be draining and harmful to people at the mental/emotional level if not physical, especially those who are sensitive to the negative energies around them daily and have not become desensitized. I know this to be true because I myself experience negative symptoms around technology. When I was a little girl, I would make Grandma drape my Pocahontas towel over the television in her bedroom before I took my nap. At the time, I didn't know why, but now I understand that - simply put - I didn't like the TV's vibes. Because there is little scientific support, I usually refrain from using the term "electromagnetic smog," as it implies a scientific connection that I'm not sure is there. Instead, I usually just call it "the negative energy emitted by technology." While it sounds abstract, that's all I really know for sure - the energy of technology seems to make me feel negative.

So, what if you're totally confused reading this, and feel that you have never experienced negative symptoms from the technologies around you? Well, if something isn't broken, don't fix it - if you don't feel this is a problem for you or that this applies to you, then don't worry about it! But, you may be experiencing side effects and just don't know it - headache, energy depletion, and difficulty sleeping are the three main side effects of "electromagnetic smog." If you are experiencing any of these, dowse with a pendulum to find out the cause - you might be surprised.

Some of you, however, will likely realize that while some like the TV on for background noise, it drains you, distracts you, and makes you ungrounded. Some people feel deeply at peace when in remote areas away from technology, such as when camping - this is because they are responding to a comforting lack of EMS in their environment. But of course, if you live in civilization, it is pretty much impossible to avoid technology and the energy it emits. Luckily, as powerful absorbers of energy, crystals can help.

There are three main ways that you can work with crystals if you're wanting to protect yourself against the negative energy emitted by technology. The first way is to wear the crystal as jewelry, thereby protecting your aura from accepting this negative energy. You should especially wear the piece as a necklace, as typically the thymus/higher heart chakra is where this negative energy will sneak in and start depleting you of your own personal energy. Whenever I feel affected by technology, I always break out my black tourmaline wrap. The second way is to grid the crystals around the source if you have enough tumbled stones. When I say "grid," I just mean circle the piece of technology with tumbled stones, or create a single line of tumbled stones in front of the source of EMS. I have a line of tumbled Amazonite in front of my television, and used to have a Malachite grid around my Microwave (then I got rid of that sucker altogether.) Lastly, you can also place the stone directly on the source - this works especially well for computers or cell phones. If it's a large specimen, you can just place it on your laptop when not in use. However, I recommend actually taping a stone (or several) to your laptop and cellphone. I have an Amazonite taped to my cell phone, and a Lepidolite taped to my laptop. Whenever the stones fall off, this means that they have absorbed too much energy and have reached maximum capacity - give them a rest in some soil or brown rice for a few days before taping it back on. Polished pieces that have a single point are wonderful to place near sources of EMS, because single points help transmute energy - which, in this case, is what you want. I have a fluorite point and a malachite pyramid on my TV stand, just in case my army of Amazonite doesn't do the trick.

So, here is a list of my favorite crystals to use to protect against the negative energy emitted by technology. I will add to and update the list over time as I learn and experience more, but as of right now, my top recommendations are: Amazonite, Green Aventurine, Black Tourmaline, Fluorite, Amethyst, Malachite, Sodalite, and Lepidolite. The combination stone of Ajoite and Shattukite is extremely effective, though rare and expensive.

So that's a little bit about EMS and some ways you can minimize its effects on you using crystals. Play around with different crystals and see which ones seem to resonate best with you, as we're all different. Don't forget to follow me on twitter under the name @crystalwitch6, and let me know if you would like some crystal recommendations for another specific purpose - I'll blog about it. Thanks for stopping by. New Moon blessings. ~

Friday, July 22, 2016


Hi there! The energy from the Capricorn full moon is winding down, and I hope your full moon period wasn't too stressful and you were able to use the energy to your benefit in a positive way. For me, the most emotionally intense time seems to be about a week before the actual date of the full moon, when the energy is building. Right now, the moon is transitioning from quirky Aquarius into intuitive Pisces, which it will enter early tomorrow morning. Make sure to pay attention to your dreams tonight, and if you keep a dream journal, make a special point to record your dreams over the next few nights; the Pisces moon is a mystical one that always leads to increased intuition and awareness, especially through dreams.

Speaking of this watery, reflective energy, we're discussing Larimar today. Larimar is blue Pectolite, a stone that originates volcanically, and only comes from one place - the Dominican Republic. Sometimes, Larimar is known as the Dolphin's Stone because it does carry a very dolphin-like energy in that it combines the water element with a tendency to inspire playfulness, joy, and childlike excitement. For this reason, Larimar is a really good stone for overly-serious types to get more in touch with this 'laxed Dolphin energy. Larimar also encourages one to go with the flow, helping to temper the type A personality when it becomes disruptive or uncomfortable.

Larimar is a little bit rare, and is not usually found in New Age shops. The specimen I have came from a nearby mineral shop, and most specialty mineral and crystal shops will carry Larimar because it's so highly demanded. However, unfortunately, you need to be on the look-out for fake Larimar. I would especially avoid buying these blue babies online (like on ebay), as these sources can be sketchy. Luckily, there are a few ways you can tell if the Larimar specimen you're looking at might be a fake. The first way is to search for too much uniformity in it's pattern - one of the most distinct things about Larimar is it's dramatic and unique patterns, which are unlike that depicted by any other Larimar specimen beside it. You can also hold the Larimar up to the light to look for any transparency (light passing through) - if the specimen is transparent, it's not Larimar. Lastly, Larimar ONLY comes from the Dominican Republic and cannot be found anywhere else, so asking your provider where the Larimar came from can give you an idea - if they tell you anywhere other than the Dominic Republic, walk away.

So, once assuring your Larimar is the real deal, let's talk about some ways you can work with it. First of all, because it's so calming and feminine, Larimar helps to temper a tendency toward aggression - of course, a healthy level of assertiveness is a virtue, but if you (or someone you know) have/has a tendency toward needless aggression, try working with the soothing energy of Larimar to bring that in. Larimar also helps to transmute guilt, so is beneficial for people who suffer from unnecessary guilt (which indicates the need to give your sacral chakra some attention, but in the meantime, you can work with Larimar to work toward transmuting the guilt.)

I recommend Larimar to help people get back in touch with themselves; as a reflective, water-element stone, it puts you in touch with your inner tides - your thoughts, your quirks, your current level of happiness and what to change if it's not where it could be. Meditating with Larimar or placing it on the heart chakra for a few minutes while laying quietly makes you aware of how you feel, what you want, and who you are.

Larimar is considered to be one of the greatest stones to work wth if you're trying to reconnect with your soulmate (or, rather, twin flame.) Often, the reason you have not been reunited with your twin flame is simply because you're not ready - there are still lessons to learn, fears to be addressed, and transformations to be had. While working with Larimar doesn't change this, it can accelerate the process - especially if fear implanted in the heart chakra is the reason your twin flame hasn't yet made their appearance. Larimar handles fear really well, especially that which is emotionally based.

Larimar also helps to mellow out emotional extremes, so its a common crystal recommendation for those who suffer from bi-polar disorder. On a lighter note, it can be used to prevent and soothe mood swings, or turbulent personalities who have a tendency toward emotional upheaval or instability. It also works on the heart chakra to help transmute self-imposed blockages or a tendency toward self-sabotage, whether actively sabotaging yourself or indirectly doing so by refusing to take control of your own life, and perpetually seeing yourself as a victim with no choices or willpower. While Larimar works well to address the emotional component of this unhealthy perspective, the root and solar plexus chakras may need additional attention to permanently transmute it. Check out my blog post for some crystal recommendations for the root chakra, and one for solar plexus crystals is to come (but typically, you'll want a yellow crystal - Citrine, Honey Calcite, Yellow Jasper, etc.)

Spiritually, this stone has a really strong Earth connection. It carries a feminine, Earth Goddess energy, so can be used in spellwork which invokes the Earth Goddess archetype and can also be placed on areas of geopathic stress or pollution to heal the Earth herself. Like most stones of this color, Larimar brings angelic contact and can facilitate a bond between you and the Angelic kingdom. It's also really useful when trying to meditate if you have a hard time detaching from the everyday world and slowing down your mind.

Physically, Larimar resonates with the cartilage, and can be used to strengthen it or transmute any dis-eases associated with it. As a throat chakra stone, Larimar is commonly recommended to treat any physical ailments of the throat. It can also be used to alleviate pain when placed over the area experiencing discomfort.

Larimar has a Moh's hardness of about 5, so is tough enough to cleanse in water. These blue beauties also respond really well to moonlight and soil or brown rice due to their Earth connection.

Just in case you didn't have time to sit down and read this Larimar rant, below is an abbreviated version...

Vibe: Gentle, calming, feminine, watery, reflective.

Zodiac Recommendations**: Capricorn's sometimes have a tendency to be overly-serious, and can benefit from the playful dolphin energy of Larimar. Emotional Scorpios and moody Cancers benefit from Larimar's calming energy, as do aggressive Arians.

Everyday Uses: Combats mood swings, helps to go with the flow and calms an overly-serious personality, calms aggressiveness, guilt, fear, and all forms of self-sabotage.

Spiritual Uses: Helps with meditation, brings contact with angels, summons your twin flame by bringing emotional healing, reflection.

Use in Spellwork For: Healing the Earth, attracting your soulmate, calling on Angels, raising your vibration, calling on the Earth Goddess.

Physical Uses: All things relating to cartilage, pain relieving, ailments of the throat.

Chakras: Heart (place here for emotional healing), throat, third eye, crown.

Preferred Cleansing Method: The moon, soil or brown rice.

Alright so, that's a little bit about Larimar! Hopefully now you're comfortable with working with this stone and inspired to do so. If there's another crystal that you would like to see a post about, let me know!  You can follow me on twitter at @crystalwitch6 (I've been pretty good about posting frequently) or reach out through the blog in the comment section.  Thanks for coming by. Namaste. ~

**These recommendations only take the individual's Sun Sign into account, which may lead to inaccuracy - don't underestimate the importance of the Moon Sign and other planetary placements!

Monday, July 18, 2016


Hi guys! The moon is waxing through Capricorn today, so this is a really good day to tend to your responsibilities and get things done. Flint and Onyx have a very disciplined, organized energy that can help you face your responsibilities today.

So lately, my allergies have been really, really bad. I'm about ready to admit that I might just be coming down with a cold. All day, I've been unable to stray too far from my box of Kleenex. So, as you probably could have guessed, I finally decided to confront and fight back against my discomfort using my favorite weapon - crystals.

Allergies are a little bit difficult to fight using crystals because allergies are indicative of a pretty deep-rooted imbalance in your heart chakra, and while carrying a prescribed stone in your pocket during an allergy flare-up may help with your discomfort, it certainly won't tackle the actual problem - which, in holistic healing, is what we want. So, you will want to be aware of the fact that the oversensitivity of your immune system is on some level related to your emotional oversensitivity, caused by an imbalance in your heart chakra center which will require extensive attention in order to be transmuted. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to redress a chakra imbalance: yoga poses, dietary adjustments, crystals, meditation exercises, and daily affirmations and routines. While I will do a more extensive blog post on crystals for the heart chakra in the future, crystals alone are still not sufficient enough to redress the deep-rooted heart chakra imbalances that lead to allergies, so you might want to read Liz Simpson's The Book of Chakra Healing for an extensive list of ways you can adjust your lifestyle to heal your heart chakra.

My second disclaimer is that obviously, it's important to know your allergen and avoid contact at absolutely all costs. This blog post refers more to the stuffy nose that sometimes results from pollen and other allergens in the air that you can't see and can't always avoid. I'm obviously not a doctor and I'm not dispensing medical advise - just sharing with you a holistic way you can approach allergies, in conjunction with whatever medical approach you use.

So first and foremost, I do utilize other forms of holistic healing when dealing with allergies than crystals, because of the deep-rooted nature of its cause. One of my favorite complementary forms of holistic healing to use along with crystals is aromatherapy and essential oils. The minute I realized that my mountain of used tissues sitting on my coffee table was a little ridiculous, I began diffusing Eucalyptus oil in my oil diffuser, one of my favorite oils to assist breathing. I also put the tea on - if I had had time to plan ahead, I would have made a Green Aventurine elixir and subsequently made that into a hot tea, but making a crystal elixir takes a whole day. I do have a Green Aventurine elixir being made right now in the fridge, just in case my symptoms have not subsided by tomorrow.

My next course of action was to grab my Rock Salt Lamp from my bedroom - I sleep with it on every night, as I'm one of those weird people that doesn't like to sleep in total darkness and I also like it's vibes. Halite - that is, salt - is one of the most underrated crystals in my opinion, with a number of physical, mental, emotional, and energetic benefits. Rock Salt lamps are great because they emit negative ions which purify the air and actually improve air quality, helping with a number of physical discomforts, including allergies. So, I placed my rock salt lamp in the living room and turned that baby on to start fighting the invisible allergens floating about my living room.

My final course of action was to deck myself out in my heart chakra jewelry. As I mentioned, allergies are always traced to a severe and deep-rooted dysfunction of the heart chakra, and this is not something that will be transmuted in a day. However, that being said, I still like to pile on the heart chakra jewelry, as prolonged contact with the stones will help in the long run (along with the other components of my heart-chakra-health holistic healing plan.) My go-to stone is Green Aventurine - I just love it's vibes. It's super gentle, one of the very best stones of the heart chakra in the entire crystal kingdom, and tends to be quite effective in transmuting the symptoms of allergies. I'm also wearing my Seraphinite and Rose Quartz rings - no crystal book will tell you that these babies directly heal allergies, but again, they are very effective healers of the heart chakra, and that's what we're interested in here - we want to tackle the whole problem, not just the symptoms. As far as picking out what to wear in your own jewelry selection, green and pink crystals tend to resonate with the heart chakra, like Malachite, Emerald, Kunzite, Morganite, etc. If you don't have any crystal jewelry, throw a few heart chakra stones in a mojo bag and tuck it into your pocket for the same prolonged/direct contact allowed with jewelry. In addition to working with heart chakra crystals,  the other ones you might want to work with will vary according to your symptoms - if your allergies effect your lungs rather than your nose, try working with Apophyllite. Brecciated Jasper is recommended if your allergies stem from an animal. Turquoise, Muscovite, and Chlorite can be worn or carried for alleviation and prevention of allergy symptoms, but you'll want to play around and see which one best resonates with you, as we're all different.

But of course, don't stop there - spend each day giving that heart chakra some attention to work toward ridding of allergies altogether.

So, don't forgot to follow me on twitter at @crystalwitch6 for daily little crystal/astrological updates. I'm also really interested in hearing any questions that you guys might have regarding crystals, whether there is a specific crystal you want me to talk about, or you would like crystal recommendations for a specific purpose. I want to write about what you guys want to read about, so please ask me your questions either directly through the blog in the comment section, or through twitter.

Thanks for stopping by. Namaste. ~

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Hello, and happy Jupiter day. The moon is finally leaving Scorpio this evening and I'll be honest, I can't wait. While this intense and emotional energy has initiated some needed change in my personal life, I can't wait for it to start to dissipate under tomorrow's lighthearted Sagittarius moon.

So today, this blog post is going to be a little bit different because I'm actually going to tell you a story that answers one of the bigger questions you might have in regards to crystal healing: how come it doesn't always seem to work?

I'm not going to sit here and give you a less-than-helpful list of reasons that you probably could have come up with yourself, like suggesting that it needs to be cleansed, or that maybe you're not ready to work with that crystal. Instead, I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that it's actually your own doing. That's right. It's not crystal healing itself that's faulty - it might be your approach to it. Crystals CAN result in direct, immediate change, and using them the right way can literally better your day.

Today, for example, I was sitting on my computer trying to get some writing done when I noticed I simply wasn't feeling up to it. I lacked energy, my eyes were glazed over, and I was not even a little bit focused on my task at hand. I was immediately able to rule out that I simply needed a nap, as I indulged in sleeping in rather late this morning and slept well last night. So when the only thing I had energy to do was lay my head down on my throw pillow and sleep further, I quickly realized something was off. Not only was I experiencing a lack of mental and physical energy, but I also noticed a throbbing headache was starting to develop. Rather than ignoring my symptoms and plugging through my writing assignment, I closed my laptop and decided to address my discomfort using crystals. Follow the below steps - as I did today - to ensure that your approach to crystal healing will lead you to your desired result every time.

1.) KNOW THE ENERGETIC ROOT OF THE PROBLEM YOU'RE TRYING TO SOLVE. According to all holistic healing, every form of noticeable discomfort or dis-ease can be traced to an energetic root. I quickly noticed that all of my symptoms - an inability to focus, a lack of energy, a headache - are all consistent with a collection of energy accumulating at my crown chakra, causing me to feel ungrounded. If you don't know the chakra system well enough to discern where you're energy blockage is through your symptoms alone, you can consult a pendulum. However, I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the chakras if you want to start working with crystals, as the two go hand-in-hand. "The Book of Chakra Healing" by Liz Simpson is amazing, as is "The Chakra Bible" by Patricia Mercier. If you don't even know where the energetic root of your problem rests, attempting to heal it with crystals is like a doctor prescribing medicine before first knowing the problem - it's a shot in the dark.

2.) KNOW YOUR CRYSTALS. So, I knew that I needed the surplus of energy stuck at my crown to start moving downward through my root chakra. Fittingly, I just wrote a lengthy blog post on Hematite, and this is ALWAYS your go-to stone whenever you need emergency grounding - I always keep one in my purse. So I took two tumbled hematites and first placed them at the bottom of my feet, and then laid down with them directly over my root chakra for about six minutes - yes, this part requires some patience! When using crystals to tackle a problem or ailment, you need to make sure you are choosing an appropriate crystal for the job. This can be assured by simply learning every crystal in your collection and how it's overall energy works. If I tried to put a crown chakra stimulator like Apophyllite on my root chakra today, this would have been completely ineffective and could have even worsened the problem. You can always use your personal feelings and intuition to guide you when choosing a crystal, too, as not everyone receives the same crystal the same way.

3.) KNOW HOW TO USE THEM. The right crystal won't do anything if you don't know where to place it or how to work with it. In my situation, a body layout to fire up my root chakra was required. Your situation might benefit from using feng shui, crystal elixirs, adding crystals to the bath, wearing crystal jewelry, or simply placing them in your pocket or environment.

4.) DIRECT, PROLONGED  CONTACT IS BEST. Following my brief work with my hematite crystals to fix my energetic imbalance, I turned to my selection of crystal jewelry to help me remain grounded and prevent energy from accumulating at my crown again. Wearing crystals as jewelry is a wonderful way to work with them because it allows the direct, prolonged contact under which they work best. I especially like crystal rings, as I believe crystals initiate change better when positioned against the joints. Out of the crystal rings I have, my black onyx and fire agate rings were the two bests for grounding, so I slipped those on my fingers and couldn't help but notice that I already felt better.

5.) NOTE ANY ENVIRONMENTAL OR SITUATIONAL STRESSES THAT MAY HAVE CAUSED YOUR ENERGY IMBALANCE. So, feeling much better by now, I opened my laptop and started in on my work again only to realize that despite my efforts, I could feel my fresh burst of energy starting to dwindle. I quickly remembered that the fluorite crystal I normally tape to my laptop had fallen off a few weeks ago and I never replaced it. Electromagnetic smog, or EMS, is the negative energy emitted by technology - computers, cell phones, televisions, microwaves, appliances, wires. For more sensitive individuals, the side effects associated with EMS are more pronounced and uncomfortable, and include a lack of energy, inability to sleep, exhaustion, or headaches. I quickly realized that the exposure to EMS was likely the external cause for my energy imbalance. So, I quickly taped a piece of rough Amazonite to both my computer and my phone, which was sitting nearby, and then wrapped my black tourmaline and fluorite necklaces around my neck, as these are my two favorite stones for protection against EMS. Once I was protected from the energy leaks my computer was causing, I felt much better, more energized, my headache was gone, and I was thus inspired to write this blog post. Remember that in this case, the cause of my imbalance was environmental, but yours could be situational. You might be unhappy in a job or living situation, or a person in your life might even be the cause of your dis-ease. Take a step back and examine what part of your life (or in my case, your livingroom) might need adjusting.

So the moral of the story here is to fight the temptation to consult your nearest crystal book for a quick recommendation, and wonder why your situation hasn't changed upon holding the suggested crystal or having it in the vicinity. What many don't realize is that working with crystals requires a little bit more due diligence; as with all forms of holistic healing, it requires you to have a deeper understanding of yourself, and the many dimensions that lead to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dis-ease. By attacking every angle and following the above five steps, I was able to successfully clear myself of my headache and my lethargy using only crystals, and as a result, was able to get a lot done today - including this blog post, which I wasn't even planning on writing.

So before you disregard crystal healing as mere myth, first consider: are you approaching it the right way? Or are you wondering why an amethyst tucked in your pocket hasn't completely transformed your life overnight? Obviously, my story is pretty specific, and each situation and each goal will require working with different crystals in different ways. Regardless of your situation, though, if you approach crystal healing the way I did today and follow the five steps above, it won't fail you.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Hi guys! I'm feeling a little ungrounded today as the moon makes its slow transition into Scorpio, which it will finally enter later this afternoon. Remember, Scorpio moons make even the most laid-back person feel jealous, emotional, and tense, so don't allow yourself to be easily offended over the next few days and let the little things roll of your shoulders, even though your natural inclination will be to stiffen up and plot your revenge against every minor offender who tells a joke at your expense or looks at you the wrong way.

Since I did my last blog post on Goethite, I thought I would keep up with the theme of iron compounds and discuss HEMATITE today, a close relative of Goethite (ever heard of Rainbow Hematite? It's the Goethite/Hematite combo.)

Hematite is super abundant, affordable, and easy to find, and I recommend it for beginners for both its availability and its grounding and protective abilities, which are top-notch and matched only by smoky quartz and black tourmaline. But let's backtrack for a minute - what exactly do I mean by grounding? You probably hear this term thrown around all the time in New Age books, but may not really understand what it is. Grounding refers to pulling down excess energy that makes you feel spaced out, floaty, confused, dazed, and unproductive - all of which are side effects of being ungrounded. While virtually all crystals can help with this (most crystals form deep within Mama Earth, making them excellent grounding tools), Hematite is pretty much the very best.

So, Hematite is protective and grounding, and these are the two basic descriptive words that are always attached to this stone. But from there, what are some other ways you can work with it?

Hematite is a powerful yang crystal - so this means it helps with timid people (especially women) who lack yang energy. Hematite encourages the yang virtues of assertiveness, survivability, courage, and confidence. If you are quiet, timid, and tend to get stepped on or taken advantage of, extensive work with Hematite can calm the overabundance of yin energy causing these personality imbalances.

Hematite is also powerfully stimulating to the mental body and can help with memory, studying, learning and concentration, and is one of the very best crystals for helping with the intellectual reasoning needed for math. If you struggle with math, try working with Hematite in a mojo bag with colorless beryl (which is a little hard to find, but great with assisting mathematical reasoning), as well as Cassiterite and Angelite. While especially appropriate for math, Hematite is useful for all subjects and studying in general.

Because Hematite is so intensely grounding and earthly, it can also help with manifestation, another New Age vocab word that simply means to create through visualization and thought. Prayer is merely a form of manifestation, in which you're imagining and asking for your desire, and hoping this will lead to its physical appearance on the Earth plane. Because Hematite pulls down energy and brings it here, tangibly, it is an excellent tool to work with to expedite the manifestation process.

Magically, Hematite is one of the most powerful talismans to help with legal matters. If you're fighting a speeding ticket or custody battle, bring a hematite with you in a little pouch to court for a little bit of luck. You can also add bloodstone and Red Jasper to this pouch, as both of these stones are associated with justice and correcting unjust situations.

Physically, Hematite is closely related to the blood - the name "Hematite" actually comes from the Greek word for blood, as the ancients noted the blood red hue of powdered Hematite. In crystal healing sessions, it is used to cleanse the blood and regulate blood supply, treat circulatory disorders such as anemia, and assist the production or red blood cells. It is also traditionally used for alleviating insomnia and anxiety, assisting spinal alignment, and calming fevers when taken as an elixir.

Because Hematite can be an inflammatory, it should not be used for long periods of time or in situations of inflammation.

Grounding crystals like Hematite tend to really benefit from cleansings in dirt or brown rice for a few days, to help them rest and recharge. But don't cleanse Hematite in water, as it will actually rust.

So, that's a little bit about Hematite, a very common stone that you should definitely have in your collection if you don't already. Thanks for stopping by. Sending blessings your way. ~

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Blessings! The moon is passing through Virgo today, making it a wonderful time to troubleshoot your life. Take a step back and assess what can stay, what needs to go, and what needs to be added. Whether it's organizing your fridge or ending a relationship that no longer serves you, the Virgo moon gifts you with the perfect time to fuss over the state of your life.

Today, I wanted to focus on exploring one specific crystal with you that you may think you've never heard of, but its actually quite likely that you have and just didn't know it. I want to talk to you about an extremely abundant iron-bearing mineral known as Goethite. Goethite is an extremely important source of iron-ore, and is roughly a 5 on the Moh's scale (which is considered fairly hard, making salt-water cleansing and jewelry-making appropriate for this stone.) Goethite is often found growing within a host crystal, such as quartz or, more commonly, amethyst, and it most commonly appears in this form in the world of metaphysics.

Remember when I said you probably think you've never heard of Goethite, but likely have? When it appears on the New Age market, it is usually under its trademarked name, Cacoxenite - geologists and mineralogists cringe when this title gets thrown around in their presence. If you follow me at all, you know I detest the phenomena of trademarking crystals, as it is confusing. This is another example of its redundancy; "Cacoxenite" is Goethite. Unfortunately, a lot of crystal books don't make this distinction for you; most only discuss Goethite under the name Cacoxenite, and some, even more confusingly, actually have separate chapters for each, leaving the impression that they are different. So realize that each chapter is actually talking about the same mineral. Being the rebel that I am, I am going to continue to refer to this mineral under its original name as opposed to the cooler, newly bequeathed one.

My favorite thing about Goethite is it's ability to intensely purify the emotional body. What do I mean by this? It removes negative thoughts, ideas, and self-talk that merely holds you back. Feelings of failure, thoughts of inadequacy, and memories of insults and verbal abuse can accumulate in your emotional body, and while some have more of a tendency to hang onto these than others, we all have days where we feel incapable, inferior, or unattractive. Goethite can clear this out.

In terms of the chakras, Goethite is a cleanser of the Earth Star chakra under the feet and the root. This makes it really grounding, and its recommended for people who are daydreamers to the point where they don't seem to make any actual progress in the everyday world. It doesn't rid of their creativity, however, and actually combines inspiration with practicality and an ability to function in the everyday world. This lays the groundwork for the initiation of creative projects. For help with this, you can pair Goethite with a solar crystal like Healer's Gold, Heliodor, Sunstone, Gold, or Carnelian, as well as Bumblebee Jasper (which has a very creative vibe) and a dynamic stone that quickly makes things happen, like Crocoite or Bixbite.

Additionally, I add Goethite to mojo bags made for grief healing. My go-to stones for healing grief are Amethyst, Apache Tear, and Healer's Gold, which absorb pain and help their beholder to move forward, but Goethite adds a tough love element and makes one face their grief so it can be healed and transmuted. Because of this unique element, it makes a really nice complement to a mojo bag containing the regular cast of characters.

Goethite is a very metaphysical stone, especially when included in witchy Amethyst, and can be used to help with your psychic abilities and bring greater accuracy with dowsing or divination. Its always really fun to utilize crystals to assist you with your preferred method of future-telling, and Goethite is a really good one.

Mentally, Goethite helps with concentration, and should be worn or placed on your desk to help you buzz through homework or paperwork. For emphasis on this, you can also work with Fluorite (the rightful king of kick-starting the mental body), Flint, or the Agate family.

So that is a little bit about Goethite (aka Cacoxenite...but rebel with me, and lets call it by its real name.) There are many minerals that I think are really underrated - and as you can see, Goethite is one of them. Because its so abundant and unimpressive to the physical eye, it often gets overlooked. Luckily, acknowledgement of its importance is being revived in the New Age community - even if under a different name. Hopefully this proved helpful, and as always, thank you for reading and don't forget to follow me on twitter under the name @crystalwitch6 for updates. ~

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Yesterday, I went shopping for some new crystals. I first went to one of my local New Age shops that I honestly don't care for the vibe of, but still frequent because the selection of books and minerals makes the few moments of discomfort worth it. The second shop I stopped at was more of a serious mineral shop in which cards explaining metaphysical uses don't accompany the thousands of minerals it sells. Upon arriving home,  I submerged my new crystals into a bowl of spring water with some Himalayan pink salt for an over-night cleansing (only after first ensuring the Moh's hardness of each was above 4, of course.) This morning, the satisfaction of pulling my cleansed crystals out of the water one-by-one and drying them off was something all crystal lovers are familiar with. But yesterday's excursion had me thinking about the act of shopping for crystals, which, in itself, is an interesting topic to explore - and the one I want to discuss with you today.

This topic is a little difficult to discuss because it's pretty dependent on whether or not you are a more experienced crystal worker and have been navigating crystal shops for years or have never set foot in one. Even if the former describes you, continue reading and see if your experiences have been similar. Below are a few things to watch out for when shopping for crystals that I have learned over the years, and wish someone had told me, too.

1.) More often than you would think, crystal and New Age shops seem to have an intense - even negative - vibe. This is not nearly as mystical as it sounds. I'm not picking up on anything that you don't pick up on, too. You know how sometimes you walk into a room and feel stress, pressure, icky, or like you just plain want to do your business quickly so you can get out of there? More often than you would think, this can sometimes accurately describe your feelings when you enter some new age shops. My best explanation as to why this is? The light always attracts some darkness. Whether the shopkeeper is snobby and rolling her eyes at all your questions, or the crystal shop just seems to always attracts odd people and situations, your fur will definitely go up when you don't like the vibe of a shop you've entered (or, for that matter, any given place.) I say this because one of the shops near me with the best selection always seems to have kind of a yucky energy, and it amazes me how many people have brought this to my attention independent of any suggestion from me. The shopkeeper is never friendly, the clientele is always peculiar, and the energy leaves me wanting to scoop up my purchases as quickly as possible and be on my way. However, sometimes, it is simply worth it - as long as the shop doesn't seem to be SERIOUSLY weird or sketchy (to the point where you feel unsafe, or something - always trust your intuition.) It is okay to purchase crystals from a place that you note has some uncomfortably intense energy, but just make sure you give them a particularly thorough cleanse afterwards, and if it's an option, find another place to shop. If not, make your trips quick and carry or wear black tourmaline to keep you grounded and energetically protected.

2.) More often than you would think, crystal and New Age shops exhibit unethical behavior. I have shared with you before my experience at one such New Age shop where they were attempting to sell Goldstone - artificially manufactured glass with inclusions of copper - as sunstone. This is unlikely a mere oversight, as the two look nothing alike. If the mislabeling WAS accidental, this reveals such questionable knowledge of crystals that I would still suggest fleeing. I have had other experiences with unethical practices, too - I once bought a specimen under the pretense that it was Charoite only to later realize that it was a variety of Chinese fluorite often sold as Charoite to deceive the naïve, as it is far more common. To avoid making this mistake yourself, realize that Charoite has very little white - if a tumbled stone is being sold as charoite and it has thick, distinct white bands, it's fluorite. While I can sometimes look past a store for having strange or off-putting vibes, I cannot forgive pure deceit and dishonesty - the minute you realize a shop is selling fakes or trying to pass Goldstone as Sunstone or Fluorite as Charoite, head for the door - you now know that you have no idea what you're buying.

3.) Don't go into a New Age Shop acting like you know everything. Even if you do. It is understandably perceived as disrespectful to someone who runs a New Age shop and prides themselves in knowing their stuff when you loudly start telling everyone how fine-tuned your crysal knowledge is, and how each crystal in your vicinity works. My favorite New Age shop in my area is owned by a lovely Shaman who - while very pleasant - responds negatively when people appear to be showing off or attempting to strip her of her authority in her own place, as she enjoys answering questions. It may sound silly, but just be respectful of the shopkeeper, and let them do their thing - it likely means a lot to them to be able to address questions.

4.) That being said, don't ask silly questions. More often than not, shopkeepers have arranged it so that with each stone is a clear description of its energy signature and some of its most useful and commonly known properties, usually on a card or piece of paper. Many also have reference books placed near their crystal selection. When I say a "silly question" I mean holding a stone up to your shopkeepers face and saying "What does this do?" or "I'm a Leo, what crystal do I need?" If you are a frequent reader of my blog, you know these overly general questions are the bane of my existence. People want to think that each crystal has one distinct function - it either attracts love, attracts money, or offers protection. A certain crystal is for an Aries, while the other is for Librans. But the frustrating truth is that it's not that simple, and while your shopkeeper will likely be excited to address good questions, don't be afraid to take it upon yourself to go off of your intuition, your own pre-existing crystal knowledge, and any references offered by the shopkeeper before flagging them down to get a verbal description. After all, crystal shopping is a personal thing, and it's not about them - it's about you. Don't over-rely on them.

5.) Combine intuition with practical knowledge. While it's great to consult your crystal books to figure out what you need, as is taking advantage of the cards the shopkeeper may have typed up and left out for you, shopping for crystals based on intuition is really rewarding and never fails to lead you to exactly what you need. One really fun exercise to try is to take your favorite crystal book and ask your spirit guide to open you up to the page that contains the crystal you most need right now. Then, open up to a random page. I tried this once, and opened up to Cavansite - a fairly rare crystal that I had never even seen in person, and one that most New Age shops don't carry. However, upon entering the shop moments later, I was amazed to find a lovely selection of Cavansite and quickly adopted one. Of course, a good combination of intuition and learned knowledge is ideal, but make sure you do utilize your inner sight when crystal hunting.

Some of these tips may sound silly, but it's definitely important to demonstrate etiquette when shopping for crystals and meeting the crystal authority figures in your area - if you can build a relationship with them, they can help you further your knowledge and introduce you to even more contacts. I have befriended many shopkeepers by simply being kind, respectful, and a frequent visitor of their shops, and it has helped me greatly to have such forces on my side. So, thanks for reading, and hopefully you find these helpful the next time you step into a crystal shop. Namaste.